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Philco Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
When it turns on, Philco immediately locks up and turns off and goes back to standby.Replace faulty nand memory or reprogram nand data dados nandneupsx4
Does not light up stand by1.2v step down power supply u203Divino Moura
TV doesn't turn on, it just stays on standbyShort circuit on the main board. 5v shorted supply, check smd capacitors ce07, ce08, ce64 of 22ufx6.3v. are close to ci ue01rafaelmoraes99
When plugged in, it takes a while to go to stand by. After this time, the TV turns on.Change opto coupler. Note, you don't need to measure... and then the defect is remediedDaniel vieira
LEDs blinking non-stopChange capacitor in the inverter cap 120uf x 200v stage and go for the hug.ALBERI F S
Locked with passwordUniversal unlock code 0812Cabeça
Does not turn on - low voltage ci u8 main boardChanged diode d2 - underneath the main board I used a uf4007 sdm diodePardal-x
Turns on and off shortly after and red LED locksCapacitor next to coil c3p8 and c3p9Replace the twoInogamma/Sombrio
Dark screen with only charactersD602 burningD602 diode replacementeletronica o gilvan
When turned on, it shows the philco logo and then goes to change colors on the screen (all white, blue, green, etc.)Characteristic defect of communication error between the main board and tcom or flatsI looked at the flats of the main board, from the tcon to the screen and it seemed ok, I replaced the tcon and it worked normallyCarlos ob Filho
It turned on without image, normal LEDIn this model, the screen voltages are generated on the main board, I had the fu2 open, I found the capacitor c29t short, I removed it for testing, it released the voltages for a while it worked but soon it stopped giving an image and VGL was zero and VGH dropped to 13V, At first I noticed that when turning on the two voltages they appeared normal then they changed, the u5t heated up when measuring the circuit around it again I found the c21t shorted, I removed it and it worked normally.Eletrônica Mirage
Turns on, the normal logo appears, starts with the volume locked at 100 and does nothing else. normal voltages but the processor heating up too much outside of normalProcessor damaged by electrical dischargeReplacing the processor or complete mainboardEletronica SV - Guaira PR
No image, backlight offCold solder on the black capacitor near the connector that goes to the LEDsCece eletrônica Brumadinho MG
Colors on looping screenPress menu + exit and updateInogamma/Sombrio
Stuck in standby does not accept any commandsThis TV when you plug it into the socket it checks the power supply, measuring the 24v voltage of the power supply if it doesn't have 24v it doesn't go out of standbyAriel Santos
Dull image, bus voltage 132v, ideal is 145vReplace 1k open resistor rp403Cjsgarbi
Does not turn on, short blowing fuseShorted diode that is at the end of the red wire that goes to the transformer, it is the network inputIn my case I left it without this diode and it worked perfectlySpidermix
Reduce LED current.Current before change 460ma. remove rb12 and rb13 (2.4r). They are located close to the LED connector. current after change 250ma (approximately 55%).Romar
No audioPosition on board u5 5807m shortedMake the replace 5807malexandrefelipe
Update-related defectsCheck link: Jorge Eckert Junior