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Philco Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
PHILCOPCS2956/58 PCS3220/22
Dark stripe on the left side from top to bottomReplace the capacitor that goes to pin 42 of the ci 1501 (pip decoder)jasvan souza
Without power supply, when removing the protection thyristor it comes, but high (turn off the three horiz output first).22k c921, or the str50103.Measure the capacitor, if not changing the str.jasvan souza
When turning on the device, tsound is no sound. After about 5 minutes the sound becomes hoarseTufted capacitors c833 and c829Changing these capacitors makes the TV work perfectly again.SUPORTEC ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA
It turned on but then turned off, all normal voltagesC 715 6n8 openSubstitute-loedmilson mendes
Image with/cup shapeOn some TVs, it opens r 722 of 10 r. in others it opens the r 702 of 150 k. Thanks to electronicacap.feitosa
No sound turning offQ5 2n3906 r212 220rReplace q5 with bc557antonio nobrega(patos pb)
No image, removing the signal cable, blue screen appearsLeakage observed between the abl and 180v tracks, causing the resistors r462 of 3k9 and r463 of 3k3 to burnNote: don't forget to scrape off the carbonization between the trails that leakedGREIN Eletro
Led lights up but does not oscillate secondary voltage of line plus b with 461000\25 c 915 capacitor from the 20 volt line with low capacitanceMACC ELETRONICA
TV with horizontal tilt and no RF signalC722 470uf16vI replaced it and everything was ok.ELETRONICA IDEAL
Doesn't startCold solder d301 next to tda9373psladmyr eletronica universal
It doesn't have 95 voltsReplace str 50103juci
Out of tuneL001 on the 9v line. open.Replace with 1 resistor of 1r x 1w.Eletrônica Modelo (Jaicós PI)
Does not turn on, LED is on but 5v is missing on the v502C509 220/16 shorted, connected to the v502 emitterReplace to a 220/25v onelevicordeiro
Normal operation and after a while it turns off and on several timesDiode in4148 on the run, d301 on the abl line.Replace d301MARX MONTE
Stand by on, when the power key is pressed, after a few seconds it flashes.R930 faulty, change and ok.Cia do game eletronica - Lapa Pr.
Cuts the image and the sound remains black screen with white lines with characters.Cause: r714 of 4.7r 1/2w and zd801 of 8.2v.Replace.Edigar de Souza Moulaz
TV doesn't turn on LEDs flashing quicklyD908 inoperative +12vReplace the memo and everything is ok.ELETRONICA MONITOR CELSO CAFELANDIA PR
Sem as no rf no of normalDeprogrammed memoryI did the reset, but then looking at some cold solders on the tube board I noticed that tsound was cold solder on the cable from the PCI to the tube board and then the sound came and went and if I touched the board the sound came back, resoldering resolved it.HardNet
Setting up protectionWhen pressing the power button, the LED turned off the TV, it started and oxidized but the filament did not light up, and it remained for about 5 to 8 seconds. and TV ficol ok!FlybackMario teilor
PHILCOPCS2976, TPS2063-1453-1454
Audio ok, but no soundEnter service mode and adjust adj, it takes it to 1, and returns to 0.jasvan souza