Results: 87430

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No power/no displayUnit had no power and no display.
No zoom functionResistance of zoom motor measured to be 73kΩ.
Static during conversationMiddle of conversation static could be heard and then cutoff.intermittent in nature. also applies to serial number 122135.
Vertical shadow on the screen, screen was mounted reversedWhen viewing picture from any angle, a shadow would appearvertically from top to bottom vertically. if you viewed set directly fromthe front, the screen was clear. the cause of the problem was the screenwas mounted (inside out). how it got that way i
On-screen display made picture dim, ic-104Anytime set displayed on-screen display the brightness levelof the picture would go very dark. as soon as on-screen display dis-appeared, picture brightness was normal.
Dead, replaced crt, d-513, and r-518D-513/r-518 were shorted on the 800 volt line.
No verticalThe unit displayed white horizontal line. found r-517, d-503open still no vertical. replaced ic-500 unit ok.
Intermittent verticalThese units displayed intermittent vertical roll. traced toic-302 pin 4 and cu-301 video signal was low 1.9p.p - replaced c-520.i had two units with the same problem.
Pcb placement of ic-101What is the correct orientation of ic-101? the board layoutdoes not match the silkscreen. tried two different ics in each locationand did not work. -hq comments: kansas city parts does not stock the board so we could notcheck for proper layout there.
Missing part numberThe part number for the part that interfaces between thefunction switch and the rubber knob which goes to the outside world is notlisted in the service manual. -hq comments: the part is reference number 55. it is hard to tell fromthe drawing. the part
(s) adaptor part numberNeed part number for the (s) adaptor (46mm to 52mm).
Missing part numberS-901, radio - tape switch does not have the part numberlisted in the service manual. -hq comments: the part number for the function slide switch s-901 islisted on page 18 of the service manual. it is 1-571-963-11.
Pll frequencyService manual calls for a pll frequency of 4.35 mhz with thecxd1135. is this correct? -hq comments: this is correct. center frequency may be different foreach model because it depends on the pcb pattern design.
Part not available
No focus on or intermittent no focus onReplaced the upf. -hq comments: please send me the defective pick up if it is still onhand. if not, forward one to me the next time you have this problem. iwill forward your report to tokyo.
Protect comes on after 10 secondsProtect comes on after 10 seconds.
No fmIn fm mode tuner would lock up when scanning stations. whenyou would manually tune in stations, you would have no output and no indi-cation of a tuned station.
Pll frequency runA unit does not lock servo intermittently or there is noise inaudio. pll free run frequency is on 4.31mhz by the specifications. ireadjusted pll free run frequency 4.28mhz - it does work. i checked manyunits. every unit is diffrent pll free run frequ
Optical assembly bracketPage 20 of the service manual (see the unidentified bracket)surrounded by reference numbers 107, 106 and 120. service bulletin no. 31indicates the part number is 4-924-445-01. an asc received the part andclaims the tabs on the right side of the drawing
No color, replaced x-301 ("a" board)No color.