Results: 87420

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No viewfinder functionNo playback thru viewfinder.
Volume display did not indicate correctlyThe audio level leds would not rise and fall with equallinearity. by applying an external dc control voltage to the led driver,they would work ok.
High pitched squealCustomer complained of high pitched squeal. he also told methat he hears the same noise from several xbr units and also competitionmodels also. i told him i would see what i could do to alleviate theproblem. using my sniffer, a hose with a small trans
Only sleep lite and rgb leds were litWhen set turned on, only sleep lite and rgb ledwe found horizontal output transistor was shorted.
No drum servo lock - unit shuts downUnit shuts down after 1 or 2 sec. operation. found ref v,pin 7 sv-16 board not locked. traced problem to x681 vc-4 board.
Title and subtitle donTitle and subtitle work but will not hold in memory.
DoaUnit came in doa.
Excessive hvThe unit would go into hv shut down. we found after defeatingthe shut down circuit that the b+ was normal but that the hv was 35kv withno beam current/32kv max beam. we traced the problem to a defective c1664on the d board. this is the main tuning cap
Color too bright, replace jungle ic-301 on "a' boardColor intensity too high.
Power up only, c-140 shortedSet would power up from the front panel. couldnoff. no functions worked. sleep light did not light. memory chip andpll controller had been changed by asc.
Cannot program tuning, replaced ic-201You could go through and turn channel set on and program allstations and everything appeared to work normally. but when you turnedchannel set switch off, set would scan thru stations until vc on tunerreached max vc. memory chip ic-002 and pll controlle
Set lock up at turn on, replace r-611 on a boardSet would turn on and off at power switch only. no otherfunction would work. on the x board the only problem that we could findwas no clock on vip chip ic031. chip and crystal had been replaced.
Pop in sound on bright to dark pix transitions, c-672Sound pops on scenes such as star war type laser blasts &quick flash backs. 18v power supply rises from 18-23v (dark to bright)and decays rapidly with a spike preceeding decay (bright to dark).
Red convergence, yoke wires broken offWires to red and green crt yokes are pulled off duringshipment because they are routed too tight.
No rec or pb videoNo rec or pb video. ee light on. found pins 10, 11 and 12(over rec/pb/ee) of ic501 high. vcc/clock/trigger/reset/data allapparently ok.
Unit intermittently locks up - no functionsAfter unit ran an hour or more, am and fm started to scan andwould not stop unless cassette was loaded and unloaded. then it wouldstop, but you could not manually or automatically change the frequencydisplayed also, the presets, display (time) and memor
P/n - tape rec audio pcbWhen i order recorder audio board i get radio audio board.i need correct part numbers.
Part number missingThe ribbon cable from the function led board to the switchesis torn. a replacement is needed. the part number on the led board is1-604-291-00, and is not available. there is no part number shown for theribbon cable by itself. -hq comments: the functi
Jam in eject cycleThese units were jammed in the eject cycle. the tech. at h.g.brix came up with this fix. believes that the units are not finishingthe eject cycle from the previous eject. when the tape is installed andplayed the second time and then ejected, it will j
Bd board different than service manualThis unit has a bd board that does not match the servicemanual. the servicer informed me that many parts are missing or differenton the board in this set. we need a correct manual to troubleshoot thisunit. -hq comments: we do not have any data that di