Results: 87416

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Worn thrust bearingThe unit would intermittently produce large amount of wow &flutter in the reverse direction. we traced the problem to the capstanthrust bearing. the plastic had lost its spring and was permittingexcessive thrust play.
P/n error in manualP/n for ic401 is incorrect in manual. ic401 = upd553c244p/n per manual 8-759-101-01 = cx10032correct p/n 8-759-101-10 = upd553c244 -hq comments: we will issue a t/n and s/b.
Processor lost memoryAt approx. 30 day intervals, this ic would lock-up in itsprogram and require a manual resetting. this occurred even after itsreset and hold periods had been changed by 0.22mfd capacitors.
Missing p/n in manualPart number for c801/c802 4700ufd 63v not listed in s/m. -hq comments: please note c801/c802 p/n for 4700mfd 63vdc mainelectrolytic capacitors. p/n is 1-123-302-00. we will issue a t/n soon.
Temperature sensitive componentsIntermittent noise in fm mode only, noise will last for 10 to40 seconds in the first hour of use. after an hour the unit will notexhibit this problem again while playing.
Bad c854 capacitorThe tuner control acted erratically. sometimes the displaywould show 77mhz/fm at turn on. at other times the memory scan would beerratic. we found the reset pulse at pin 7/ic401 to be insufficient.the trouble was traced back to c854 which had dried ou
Malfunctioning rotating detThe unit does not rewind all the way to the beginning of thetape, when trying to record ogm. then the tape stops and the ready led(d601) blinks and a beep sound is emitted.
Incorrect connection of phono groundWhen setting volume about half way up, we hear a buzzing soundfrom right channel only. the ground lead of right channel cartridge leadis connected to ground of system control board ground. we are picking upmicroprocessor noise via this ground lead.
Loading mechanism jamsAfter a month or two, the loading lever does not enter intothe groove on the cam gear. this in turn causes the loading mechanism tojam and subsequent inoperation of the unit. -hq comments: check for slippage between gear a (item no. 3), o-ring(item no.
Play mode will not operateUnit locks up when put in play. head deck appears to bebinding. everything seems to be free when taken apart. need operationalprocedure and troubleshooting guide. -hq comments: check if the nr slider moves. if not, check the fwd camgear and the reve
Cracked gearCracked gear.
Removal of shorting clipEven though new opb was installed, unit did not operate.
Chucking motor switch not engagedThe unit rejected the disc intermittently. opened the unitand found the chucking operation was not done, when we closed the disctable.
Replacement part is too smallPer hq's comments for my fpr, i ordered the sub. spring(p/n 3-317-637-01). but it is too small as a sub for the original(p/n 4-303-774-xx). -hq comments: 3-434-137-02 is a correct number. kcp does not have instock presently. we will issue a t/n soon.
Poor contact at connectorIntermittent audio (fm only). this was present w/radio andtape modes. i have seen two xr-15s with this problem.
Dirty switch contactsWe have been seeing guite a few units with low voltage onplayback. the problem is caused by dirty contacts on s902/playback mute.a little emery paper and a drop of lubricant (tv tuner type) resolvedthe problem.
Switches not in placeCp801 latches up. grounding emitter of q303 resets system,when condition appears. -hq comments: after a command such as rew is activated, feedback tothe cp801 control circuit on the flex board must return or the cp801latches up. the feedback for the c
Loose bushingsDistortion on p/b with 3kc ws-48b. speed ok but sounds likean electronic oscillation problem.
Bushing post cap wears offA varying drag on the supply reel causes wow and flutter.
Worn capstan bearingThe customer complained of an intermittent pop in bothchannels when playing the tape in the reverse direction. we found thecapstan bearing (reverse direction) to be providing a poor ground.