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Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Focus offset and rf pll out of adjustmentAlthough the objective lens searches for the focus point andthere is laser light coming out, the disc motor does not turn.
Rf pll and clv pll out of adjustmentThe unit does not accept the customer's disc. decca, verdi,la travia (400057-2). it worked fine with yeds-1.
Malfunctioning d/a converter ic507The unit had an intermittent low pitched buzz in bothchannels. we found ic507 d/a converter to have an intermittent clock.
Intermittent audioGround becomes discontinuous due to excessive lubricant onhead ground plate surfaces. remove lubricant. use sony p-401g to relube. -hq comments: we will issue a bulletin on wm-10 lubrication pointsshortly.
Excessive wow and flutter plus motor noiseMotor comes with plastic clutch, which in time will comeflush against motor bearing, causing a grinding noise and wow and solution is to put a small plastic washer at clutch shaft assy tostop it from going inwards against motor bearing. -hq
Intermittent audio - how to serviceWhen the plastic interconnecting strip is removed, you cannothear audio (because the audio-tuner parts are separated). what is therecommended troubleshooting procedure? -hq comments: 1) complete b+ and ground connections for the tuner asoutlined on pag
No voice signal through the handset speakerThe hand unit and the base unit communicate with each otheras indicated by an operational key pad and dial tone, but there was novoice through the speaker. found c53 (0.047uf) was shorted inside.replaced it.
Part number - det sw contact sliderA servicer tried to order the contact slider. since the partnumber is not listed in the service manual, he thought it is included inthe cam control (#4-869-957-00) and he ordered it. but the contact sliderdid not come with it.
Erratic movement of tone armThe tonearm on this unit would cue into the record at afaster pace than it would cue in the outward direction. glue on the pcboard has erroded and was responsible for changing the dc level on pin 1of ic202. a resultant -2.5 vdc was present at ic202's o
Cassette ejected soon after loadedCassette ejected soon after loading. the dm-101a(p/n 8-745-101-01) dme had failed along with q602 (voltage reg) and d602(voltage ref). -hq comments: the output of my sample dme is a sine wave of 0.1vaccontaining a 3.6vdc component. its output is a pro
Part number for gear (c)I need p/n for gear (c) on page 14 of service manual. -hq comments: gear c shown in the exploded view is part of the flywheelassembly. it is press fitted onto its shaft, and cemented. recently,however, this gear has been made available as p/n 3-550-02
Music stops and noise occursUnit would play on fm and intermittently go to noise. displaywould remain unchanged and tune light stayed lit. i found taping on powersupply caused problem to come and go. found the ground connection to bethe problem on that main board. put in a star
Incorrect part number - d606Incorrect p/n listed for 20v zener d606 on page 54 ofmanual. p/n listed 8-719-990-03 should be 8-719-910-03.
Incorrect set - down pointWhen a 12 record is placed on turntable, tonearm goes to7 position. replaced q209 with new type transistor 2sa1027r, as pers/b #155. this transistor insures pull in of the size solenoid.
Part number - cartridge wiresThe technician could not find the parts numbers of thecartridge wires. -hq comments: although the parts numbers are listed in the s/m(#512 1-555-828-00 white #513 1-555-829-00 red), they are notindicated in the exploded diagram on p17.
Mechanism shuts offThe mechanism shuts off in any mode before tape ends. forsome reason, the shut-off safety plate did not engage the brake lever.put it back on the brake lever.
Part number - lpfOrdered lpf-f501/f502 (p/n 1-464-273-00) and received lpfboard for betamax (or perhaps tv) with antenna terminals. -hq comments: this part number from the service manual supplement isvalid for late production cdp-101s. kcp stock is being investigated a
Open traceFoil open on volume control board. this foil appears to haveburned open.
Solenoid drive transistorCass. will manually eject, but not automatically at end oftape play.
Voltage errors in manualMany voltages in the power supply seem to be in error andneed clarification. voltage difference exists on the same foil conductor. -hq comments: a list is provided below of the key voltages: please makea note of these voltages in your xr-45 s/m also.q