Results: 87416

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
White h band on the screen, r520 increased in valueAfter ten minutes of operation, this receiver displayed aone-half inch white horizontal band at the top of the screen. verticalsize and linearity were not affected.
Snowy picture, replace d2214, q2224, q2220 & uhf tunerSnowy picture on all channels except ch. 2. the reason youwould get a clear picture on ch. 2 is due to the low voltage used onch. 2 coming through the uhf tuner.
Picture distortion, c544 openSet came in with narrow picture, pincushion distortion andvideo smearing. the 200 volt line measured about 140 volts.
Vertical roll on weak signal ch., resoldered r581Vertical roll on weak signal level. no problem on strongvideo signal.
Vhf channel fade outAfter 30 min. to 1 hour of operation, low vhf channels fadeout.
Intermittent mechanical operation, poor ground connectionIntermittent door opening. s953 on the motor: one side ofswitch was not tight due to no threads.
Poor focus after warm-upAfter warm-up, picture would go out of focus. found redpicture tube focus shorting inside tube. this caused blue and green togo out of focus, since all three tubes (focus) are connected to the sameblock.
Beat pattern in the picture, re-routed cables p2 and p3There was a beat pattern in the form of a 1 inch vertical lineabout 2 inches in from left side, on ch. 7 only. moving the ac cordwhere it was connected to the d board would increase or decrease theproblem.
Raster with retrace linesSet came in with all white raster with retrace lines. audiowas ok.
Picture up/down button stuck, replace s004/005/006Picture up button was stuck. therefore volume up/down andpicture up/down or channel up/down would not work. found picture upbutton was worn. this switch was spring loaded in rather than out.
Dark picture, open r541 and shorted c531Dark picture, slight retrace lines. no screen voltage tocrt g2.
No color, replace ic-501Picture was dark and also had loss of color. scoping ic501pin 15, horizontal sync pulse was only 6 vpp - should be 11vpp. i haveseen other sets that displayed intermittent dark picture or change of hueonly. all are related to ic501 sync output. the s
Vertical bars on the screenThis unit had several vertical bars on the left side.
Mechanical damage, q601 leadLeads of q601 are breaking due to mechanical stress. duringmanufacture, the leads are being stretched tightly before the heat sink flexes during shipping, the leads break.
H flagging on the top of the screen, replaced ic501This unit had slight horiz. flagging at the top of the picturewhen using the still/slow features on an sl-2700. all other modes (offair, cable) worked fine as did other betamax and vhs power supplys. the onlyproblem was with the still/slow features on the sl
Dark picture and retrace lines, shorted c548 and open r555Dark pix-retrace lines very faint. no screen voltage tog-2 of crt.
Sound distortion, replaced leaky c116Intermittent, uncontrollable sound. remote inoperative.indicator light on at all times. all manual functions worked fine exceptpix and sound.
Picture distortion, replaced ne701 on "c" boardWhen the brightness and contrast controls are turned up(max. beam current), the picture intermittently flashes and produceslarge horiz. dark lines. we found ne701 on the crt board to be the cause.
DeadThis unit initially was found to have a shorted regulator,regulator driver and power module. after replacement we found the b+ tobe low, about 105v. we found neon nl601 in the power supply to be thecause.
Snowy pictureIn the last 2 months the tuner was replaced three times,found c217 cap leaky. pix would go to snow.