Results: 87413

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Picture distortion, replaced hlcComplaint about horiz. linearity specifically when writingtransversed screen. replaced hlc with p/n 1-459-136 (hlc from 1930r).problem resolved. expect inductance of hlc (1-459-316) too low. pleasesupply definite fix - have had 3 complaints to date.
Sound distortion, replaced d2006When set was first powered up, volume was maximum and couldnot be lowered. unit was turned off and restarted with no sound now atall. checking output of a/d convertor, tns3701bns, found no pwm signal.measured standby supply voltage, pin 8, with power o
Set fails after a few days, replaced r569Intermittently this unit would fail after servicing for astart circuit problem anywhere from one week to two months later. theunit had been in 7 times in the last 6 months. after running for aconsiderable time under a heat lamp the voltage at the colle
Poor verticalVc amp leaky. repaired by replacement q101, 2sc1815 withreplacement 2sc1364. unit was ok for 6 weeks, then q101 failed again insame way. replaced and checked circuit. found no reason for failure.perhaps static problem. enclosed you will find the ori
Test signal interference, install capCross hatch bleed through on kp-5040. bar pattern when view-ing a weak incoming active channel. this condition sometimes can be moreeasily observed by setting the tv line switch s907 to the line this configuration a faint bar can be seen ru
Picture distortion (oscillation), add capOscillation (snivet) down center of screen noticed on set inclose proximity. also had white horizontal lines similar to ignitionnoise.
Color distortion, replaced ic3301 and crtRed very weak, unable to set gray scale. bias wrong onpicture tube. changed ic3301 corrected bias, but red picture tube bad,had to change it too.
Incorrect convergenceAll three colors would not center properly. found d5501shorted on da board. also schematic is labelled wrong, voltage afterresistor r5597 should read +5 volts but schematic indicates +12vdc onda board.
No color, replaced ic1302No color under any input, faint retrace lines in black andwhite picture. sometimes flickering of colored snow but out of colorsync.
Tv would not come onTv would not always come on. found c508 intermittently open.
Color confetti on b/w, adj cv301Color confetti on b/w telecast.
No picture, replaced f601, q602 and q603This unit keeps on blowing f601 and q602. isolated problemon the f board by disconnecting the 135v b+ and supplying a separateexternal b+ (tp92 was the ground return) to the a board. this makes thea board work. hv normal but no raster. then by using
No manual operation, replace c4038You cannot turn set on or off by manual button. set wouldwork ok with remote. i found no logic high at pin 33, ic4001. capacitorc4038 was shorted on mz board.
Bottom of screen blank out, replaced cx841Bottom and left side area of the screen blanked out. foundcx841 defective.
Black line on the screen, replace v out ic502After set would warm up a black line about 3/8 inch (veryfaint) would appear in the center of screen.
No operation, h out q-502No sound, no picture. found horizontal output shorted.
Vertical bars on the screen, replaced c539Vertical bars on left side of screen. almost like ringing.horizontal spike riding on b+.
Vertical jitter, replaced c511After 5 to 10 minutes on, vertical jitter is noticed andbecomes increasingly severe. sometimes a brighter line is apparent acrosscenter of screen (slight folding). found c511 2.2ufd at 20v tantalumcapacitor very slightly leaky (100k).
Intermittent sound, replaced t207Sound intermittently goes dead. troubleshooting indicates that the sound is not passing through the if section. isolated problem to t207.
Picture noiseRetrace line.