Results: 87413

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Picture distortion, see modification belowHoriz. centering adjustment will not shift picture far enoughtowards the right. center adjustment only expands the picture. -hq comments: try the following circuit modification. place the horiz.centering r. position. the r1, r2, c1 values shown shoul
No channel lookSet changes channel by itself usually ending on ch. 13position.
Incorrect mechanical function, use of loctiteWhen unit was turned on the mirror door would extend about2/3 of the way out and start clicking. the motor would continue to runand not shut off. disassembly revealed the retaining nut on the driveshaft had worked loose allowing the left hand side door
No picture, open r057 and prescaler,R057 resistor open (mf board). no problem found in reg.circuit. solder splash on feed thru terminal of prescaler.
Tuning would not lock, replaced s2262Tv would continuously scan through all channels. foundchannel up button closed.
Dark picture, replaced r-751Dark picture like weak crt. found r751 changed value.
Part number missingServicer has kv-2601 with spark gap on c board shorted -schematic designation sg. the part number was omitted from the servicemanual of all the above listed models. -hq comments: the spark gap in question is not available as a separatepart. it comes w
Picture distortion, replaced c544Severe pincushion problem, pin control has no control. baseof q503 was negative instead of 2v. found signal on base has a lot ofspikes, which could come only from one point, the flyback. c544 was opencausing no filtering.
No picture, replaced shorted q006 and q008 on md boardThis set had no vc voltage and band selection voltages werewrong at tuner.
Shut down, trimmed r563This unit intermittently shuts off by itself.
Picture distortionThese two units came in with high brightness with retracelines. found r721 open.
Intermittent remote operation, replaced c005Remote commander operative only about 10% of time, mostfunctions completely inoperative. with scope probe at tp 52 m-2 boardabout 5vpp random noise present and remote control signal distortedwhen actuated.
Picture distortion, loose screw on hor drive trans. q5104Intermittent horizontal sweep problem causes sweep to collapseand burn a vertical line in the three picture tubes.
Snow picture, replaced prescalerPicture would go to snow after about 5 minutes after turn-on.set was ok when cold. 12 volt line would drop to 7.5v and voltage atprescaler would drop to 1.5v.
High pitch noiseThe unit makes a high pitch sound like a flyback with loosecore. replacing pot transformer did help a little but still audible.wedging the transformer almost reduce noise but awkward solution.
Tuning drift, resolder r053Upon changing channels a good video will come on for a momentbut will drift off to barely viewable negative picture.
No control of brightness, broken foil on crt boardNo control of brightness. picture would start at normallevel and slowly get dimmer with retrace lines, then flash to normalpicture level again. no g2 voltage on pin 12 of crt board.
Picture distortion, replace c549, c550 and c554Slight pie crusting and marginal horizontal sync.
No remote operation, repaired crack on n boardUnable to control operation with remote. found hairlinebreak on n board.
Under scanned picture, r533 value changed, replacedPicture under scanned horizontally and vertically. foundresistor r533 changed value, should read 1.2Ω, read 14Ω.