Results: 87413

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
DeadDead set. found defective the following parts f602, q901,d514, d502. after replacing defective parts it was found r560 and r561were getting hot. traced cause to an open contact between circuit boardand l502 the hlc coil.
No uhfNo uhf. found b-e of q103 shorted.
Sound only on channel 5Intermittent or garbled sound only on channel 5. because theproblem was only on channel 5 the audio ic and outputs were ruled out.monitoring q107 it was found to be muting on and off when on channel 5.nl2204 was then replaced and the problem was cured.
Channel no changeCannot change channels, push buttons will not light whenselected. found 35v missing at pin 10 of ic033.
Dead, replaced hdtNo raster - no high voltage. servicer confused with hi-volt shut down. virtually lost scope pattern at secondary of horizontal drive transformer.
Part reliabilitySg-613 supplied was installed by service station. partfailed immediately. cones on part are not correct for use in sonytelevision. construction of part is different in appearance to partssupplied by kansas city. code on part: ok-h. -hq comments: in
Volume range too limitted, change r102 to 100kSound is either too low or too high. customer states thathe thinks the volume should move from low to high in a slower manner,rather than jump from low to high. -hq comments: we can satisfy the customer by changing r102 resistorvalue from 10k to 100k.
No soundFailure of sound section of ic201 due to static discharge inlow humidity environments. have scrapped volume slider decorative buttonto remove excess silver plating. no help. -hq comments: we are sending you a countermeasure proposal involvingapplicati
Picture distortionSlight fold-over in center of screen. c406 apparently driedout over the years. located off emitter of abl q4091.
No power onNo power-on switching using front panel switch (s802) orremote. customer claimed power would come on intermittently and thatother functions such as video switching, antenna switching would workerratically (this was not verified). when s802 is depressed
No sync, replaced q317 and q318 both should be 2sa1175Unit had no vertical nor horizontal sync. according toservice manual, q317 sync sep-1 should be 2sc2785 and q318 sync sep-2,should be 2sa1175.
Vertical distortion without videoVertical collapse under no signal condition. set appeared tohave proper vertical waveforms when receiving off the air broadcast, butwhen no station present only a thin line, this indicated oscillatorfailure or no self-sustaining ability.
No operation with acSet would not work on ac. all dc checks which we could thinkwere performed. power supply simply would not start. found waveform 27would appear for just an instant and die away. transformer t606 checkedgood so c611 must be culprit.
Door jammingLeft side door was found to be inoperative when inspected bydealer. found mounting bolts loose on motor assembly. motor ass'ydrive gear could not engage in door drive track. bold heads had pulledinto soft wood due to shipping and handling jolt.
No picture, replaced h out transistorReceiver had no b+ voltages. all voltages and waveforms atprimary side of t602, f board, were all right. resistance check of 135vlines was 200Ω to ground. horizontal output transistor was shorted.
No vertical sync during changing ch., wrong value r580Vertical sync loss when changing channels, ok when scenefades out before a commercial.
Low brightness, replaced r751Low brightness, like weak crt.
Channel would not lock, adj t205 aft coilWould not lock on to cable channel #14. cable companyrunning mid-band channels 1.2mhz to 1.9mhz below accepted centerfrequency.
Incorrect picture position, add capUnable to center picture horizontal. picture off to the leftby 1/2 inch with tap plug into right position. servicer changed yoke,diodes d519, d518 and resistors around center area. i changed severalcapacitors. customer has had this problem from the f
Picture distortion, r605 openInsufficient width and no color, b+ 110v not regulating,r605 open.