Results: 14170

PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No sound and no image normal plot.Defect c-213 shorted. power supply drops to ll0v or less resistor r361 open.
Defect showed lines at the top of the screenThe defect and in the vertical, replace the c-410 capacitor of 100u/25. check other capacitors in this sector as well.
Dark screen defectI checked the luminance ci but it didn't solve the problem, the solution is to change the 150uf electrolytic capacitor c221, you can replace it with a 220uf one.
Intermittent defect you only hear a meow.Solution: resolder all the pins on the flyback and base plate if necessary
Tuning problemI couldn't make a perfect tune, there seemed to be interference with the image on the screen and when changing channels, it seemed like the tune kept slipping away. I solved it by changing the s157 and s158 coils
PHILIPS14GX 1618/78R
The defect is an all-white screen, full of lines, it's as if the screen is completely open.Causes open resistor r-3469. check the 180v voltage going to the kinescope board
Total inoperativeProbable cause d-345 zener take the test outside.
Unstable vertical deflectionProbable cause change c-527 100uf. electrolytic capacitor
Vertical treme tremeReplace the vertical output with an original one, if that doesn't work, change the filter electrolytics in the power supply and connected to the vertical output.
No colorYou can change ci 200, analyze all the components connected to it so there are no surprises.
Retraces at the top of the vertical screen.C-400 old electrolytic.
Defect retraces across the screen.C-400 change. put a new one
Does not work, with a high-pitched whistle.I changed the fly-back and the problem was resolved. tip sent by: laureano
Off and has normal soundThe 15µh 3738 shock was replaced on the tube plate.
Out of horizontal phase.Change the resistance r-878=120kΩ.
Without +b general power supply with 20voltsThe vo-3340 power supply regulator trimmpot was replaced from - 470
Deleted without image.If you speed up the tube screen grid it lights up and there is no image. The sand-castle c-2309's 47pf capacitor with dc leak was replaced.
The image shakes with feedback lines at the top of the screenThe 390 pf capacitor c-406 was replaced.
When it turns on it works normally but after a few moments it starts to blink and the screen goes off but the tube filament lights upReplaced part t-7205 ( bc 338 ) 9volt regulator of +b of ci tda 8361 and step to detect the defect: just check the 9volt +b and realize that the voltage was low.
Does not change channels, fixed on channel 2, despite indicating on the screen the number of another channel.There was no supply voltage at pin 11 of the uv933, the defect was the open resistor r3958.