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PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
When turned on, it shines and closes, when it firms up it leaves a wide, very luminous band at the topDiode 304 r310 which supplies the vertical with negative voltage and diode 305 and r318 supply voltage 180v.Went to replace it worked.genivaldo itumbiara GO
The device works intermittently (sometimes it turns off by itself)Cold solder on the ic pins - mc44603a (7520 - power supply oscillator)Resolder all pinsadhemar caetano da silva (tecmil eletronica)
TV on standby, when it turns on the LED blinks about 5 times and turns offWelded chopper pin that goes to ground with cold solder on the secondaryPaim
SK 4.1L
I caught this TV turning on normally, but tsound was no image, only sound, it didn't light up the filament or generate high voltage. After almost setting it on fire. Analyzing the scheme I saw that tsound was d104 which on pin 34 of the ci when measuring I found that it was shorted.D104 shortedchinês eletônica solânea-PB
Vertical closedR3400 (4k7) abertoeletronica bianca ipira-ba
It turned on and after a few minutes it turned off; Sometimes it would call with a few lines and hang up.Era c2455 de 47/25 q7461 bc33725 e q 7463 bc32725.And just replace these components and run to another TV.DIEGO LIMA; NOVA TIMBOTEUA PA
Does not connect to 150v voltage from the normal primary power supplyL5561 27n open and c2561 100mf/160v with leakageAfter replacement, it worked normally againarnaldo j m p
Q522. 2ELA
Image with too much brightness, you could see the images, but it looks more like a film negativeT-com boardTo replaceluisrufo
I closed the image and opened it, then, and when I had an image, the image distorted as if it were an AGC defect.The bad contact that closed and opened the image was on the vertical top and the image distortion was the tda 8305 plus the capacitors, c162=22n, c182=22n disk and c130=6.8uf for 16v, with low capacity.The vertical CI was resoldered, the three capacitors and the CI TDA8305 were replaced, it was tough but it was resolved...phew!Armando de Olimpia Eletronica EvoluSom
One more tip for you guys, this TV would turn on normally, after a few minutes it would turn off and it would have a cushion effect and in AV it would turn off immediatelyThe cause was the open d6445 smd diode connected to the filament line.Replace d 6445 smd.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vertical closes at the bottom and then turns off.Check voltage on t7605, 5v collector.Replace of r 3606 56k replaced for morejoaomvjr
Turns on and has video and audio and turns offFb tweakeletronica bianca ipira-ba
No secondary power supplys - smelled burning1k c2550 with leak or toastReplace, use a 2kv onejasvan souza
Doesn't start. inoperative.Primary power supply ok. The defect was the open resistor (r3525) of 33Ω at the gate of the switching transistor.Gilcimar Rocha Pereira
Inoperative, does not turn on or display.X301Replace x301 32,768 mainboard tubularjoaomvjr
When turned on, normal image and sound comes on and then turns offAfter having done everything and not solving the problem I found the cause of the defect, an open 10k resistor in position 3204 connected to the RGB connector that comes from the main board to the tube boardReplace the 10k resistor in position 3204 and good luckPATRICK
Burned out sound outputs (an 7591)As it is missing on the market, it can be replaced by the an 17850, just one modification, connect a 2k2 resistor between pin 1 and 2 of the ci.pardalzito
Dark screen with no sound but with charactersFaulty memoryReplace a eepron 24c16wpsamuel leite
DeadResistor 1r, position on the power supply board, r-929, replace it, it's ok.Cláudio Ribeiro, TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA E INFORMÁTICA, Jataí-Go, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When turned on, it displays a reddish image and turns offWhen resoldering the kinescope board components, the TV worked for a while and then showed the same defect again.Changing the red output transistors on the kinescope board 7308 bf422, 7313 bf422 and 7314 bf423, perhaps only one of them was defective, but as I tested and they showed no difference between them and no leaks, I decided to replace them all straight away.Helio (ELETROSONIC)