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Philco Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Volume increases by itselfIn research I found the rd008 in the key connector line wsound it has 3 resistors of 4.7k.2k2 and the third one was oxidized, I put it at 1k and solved the problemMedeiros Barbacena MG
Logo philco calls, stays for 1 minute and hangs upTransistor qe3 ca22e ca27, shortedReplace qe3 and ca22 and ca27 qe3(ao3401= a19t)Gabriel GXP
Even after installing new LEDs, the LEDs do not light up, reversing only gives a pulse and trips.New LEDs came with 6v. originals were 3vEliminate central bar by jumpering it (has no effect on the image). remove 2 2r2 resistors to reduce current from the LEDs.Mau3000
TV doesn't turn on the backlightChanging the cw21 capacitor near the ci uw4 led controllerPAIM ELETRÔNICA
TV doesn't turn on the backlightChanging the capacitor cw21 near the ci u35 led controllerPAIM ELETRÔNICA
Red LED on TV won't turn onDisconnect the LVDS cable, if the TV works, check that tsound is a shorted capacitor in the TCON.Valdecir nascimento
It doesn't turn on, it just stays on red stand-byPower supplyReplace of capacitors at the power supply, position ce2 and ce3 of 47μF x 450vBrackmann
Does not turn on, power supply primary inoperative.Ic 2 with problems ld7577jags, pin 6 with less than 12 volts.Replace do ic u2 ld7577jagsLABOTRON
Doesn't workDp401 (hrb3200) and qp401 (mdd1425) shortReplace themSANTOMEL
Vertical beamR720 1r openReplace components and the TV works fine againTecon eletrônica
Backlight does not light up.If the voltage at the output connector for the LEDs is above 100v, the board will be fine. If it has around 62v, the backlight circuit will be bad: if pin 1 of the CI drive ub1 has 12v (with the TV on), tsound is no need to remove qp411 or cb6. if pin 14 of ci ub1 has below 4.3v, remove cp9 and rb23.If you have any questions and I can help, you can contact me on WhatsApp 82993677063Carlos Araújo 82 9 93677063
Does not turn on, chopper oscillating voltageReplace diode hbr3200 and fet mdd14n25R&w cell Rodrigo klein
Stand by on and won't turn onPower supply transformer drive with cold weldingAdrian Chapadão do Céu Goiás
It turned on with a clear image with white lines, as if the screen was completely open, and without characters.Resistor r714 (4r7 1/2w) , no pino 5 do flay blaeck.Replace the same. and run to the next repair. I hope I helped my friends.Bruno Cardoso
The backlight does not turn on.Transistor qb2 with leakage..replace without testing.fernando
No audio comes out, I even turned on the display but it didn't ring.After changing the polyester capacitors c31 and c22 and the volume potentiometer, the box played but with a very low sound. resolved by changing u9(ta7769p).J&M
Symptom of burned out ledsTV arrived as if it had burned out LEDs, I dismantled the back light and all the LEDs were good, all voltages were ok, I considered changing the z9903 on the drive board, but after a tip and getting the update that I will make available sound I decidedSoftware updateSylvox
Does not turn on, no standbyDefect in the transformer activator circuit. check if tsound is voltage on resistor rp20, if not, remove ci tea1733 and check if tsound is voltage. the voltage will appear, then change the IC and the surrounding components, such as zener, capacitor and diodes.JHONATAN ALIANÇA ELETRÔNICA
When you turn on the TV, the LED blinks and does not turn onDiode d813 in my case it was cutEletronica Line jatoba Maranhão
Doesn't start. struck by lightning.Board shorted on the 12volt line. tsound were tensions from several power supplys. on the dual p-channel mosfet me4953 -30v (u809), on the 5v line it was ok. however, on the 12v line (pins 1, 2, 7 and 8 were shorted. Ceramic capacitor c1000 was also shorted.Replaced and worked normally.R-Tec