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Philco Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Pulsing hard and killing the 180volts.It was the defective deflector, I replaced it and the TV worked normally.ELETRÔNICA MELO-BOA VIAGEM-CEARÁ
TV doesn't turn on, and everything stopsCapacitor c 921 1n 1000v em curtoC921 was replaced and everything was ok.João Carlos
When you turn on the TV, it brightens a little and turns off the screen.R 718=10k and check c727 and c728(disk).In this case c727 and c728 were good, only r 718=10k was replaced.armando de olímpia
Without plot or image and with retraceD 601Replace without testing, I put 1n4148 and it slept!Jhone Eletronica
There is no + b the LED does not light up / pressing the power key several times until it turns onC 504 47/25vReplace capacitormatieski
TV with stand by pulsing and not stabilizing and a very low power supply of around 180 volts where it would have to be around 130 at mostWhen checking this power supply, the +b of the flayback was giving about 180 volts, so I went to check the primary and secondary power supply to see where the defect was.It was then that, next to the power supply transformer, there were two resistors auterated, their real values, r910, and r 912 of 0.47Ω, auterated to a value of 10Ω. The color of these resistors are yellow, violet, gold, gold, white. power supply file returned to normalThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TV with stand by pulsing and not stabilizing and a very low power supply of around 180 volts where it would have to be around 130 at mostWhen checking this power supply, the +b of the flayback was giving about 180 volts, so I went to check the primary and secondary power supply to see where the defect was.It was then that, next to the power supply transformer, there were two resistors auterated, their real values, r910, and r 912 of 0.47Ω, auterated to a value of 10Ω. The color of these resistors are yellow, violet, gold, gold, white. power supply file returned to normalThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Screen blown.R711 and c719 openI replaced the fly-back without success. the problem persisted. So, analyzing the voltages I saw that the voltage died on r711 (it was open) and c719 also burned. I replaced the r711 with a 10r / 1w resistor (the correct one is 4.7r-1/2w but I didn't have a smaller one) and the c719. the d703 diode was fine, but nothing prevents it from being replaced as a precaution.Lucelio
CPH 04
Image without contrast, as if it were tired.R 716 of 100k openAnd good luckJhone Eletronica
Turned offOpen fuse d901 and 903 shortReplace c909 shortNilson
It didn't start normally, according to the customer's information, it started when it wanted. After checking, I found the t-702 had no continuity and replaced it and the TV was normal.T 702Your replacewagner
LED keeps flashing but the TV doesn't start**********Def. c 913 1mf 100v replace with another one even if it is good in the testFrancisco Ivan Basílio - Nova ELETRÔNICA - Ibiara - PB
LED keeps flashing but doesn't startDefect c 913 1mf 100v replace with another one even if it is good in the testFRancico Ivan Basílio - Nova ELETRÔNICA - Ibiara - PB
White screen and blinking LEDPoor 180v supply (low)Ver capac 10μF250v secoMAIRES
Cup effectDz 1702 replace, note also check connector 1702 the same with bad contact burns 100r resistor and zenerRoberto Consertos
Screen turns green and darkensDamaged transistor on rgb boardV933 (BF 423) was replaced on the RGB board with leakageGeorge Pontes
Doesn't work, LED blinksChecking the voltages in the primary power supply, all were normal, except for the 20v in c915, which was in the range of 12 to 13v. in the tsh collector also normal (93.6v). the voltage on pin 36 of ic501 was at 3.1v. defect c705 (100μfx25v) almost sold out. on the capacimeter it read 23μf.littlecarlos
Normal image when turned on, then green screen and inverts the colors like NTSC.Integrated circuit tda 8361Adhemar Caetano da Silva
It doesn't turn on, it doesn't have 14 VResoldar r 936eletronica rodrigo
Rainbow effect screenSaida is verticalReplace vertical output stv9302/la78040eletronicaapolo