Results: 87427

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Wrong part number for ic362 on (va-40) boardPage 175 shows wrong number for ic-362. should be 875203340as per supplement to 1988 sub book.
Changing channel by itselfIntermittent operation of customer controls due to warpedbezel. second set with this problem one on pedestal base.
Missing part number for sony logo, p/n 3-704-179-01There is no part number for the sony logo on the bezelassembly. please supply part number. dealer does not want to buy andinstall two (2) each of bezel assemblies. -hq comments: the part number is 3-704-179-01.
Replacement vertical out icUpc1358h is substituted by upc1488h (8-759-113-05) in verticaloutput in kv-1746r. servicer says he tried two of the subs. ics bothtimes got the results of the picture included. he states he got a hold ofthe original ic upc1358h and after replacement p
Continuous capstan/drum motor runAs soon as power was applied to unit, the capstan and drummotors would start running, and not shut off. troubleshooting revealedthat q-504 and q-507 on the (ss-70) bd. would never turn off. the emittervoltage on these transistors was running approx. 7.
No audio outNo output audio, signal traced to input on ic-502 (input bd.)but no output, chip ic-502 had been replaced. checking signals - noticedspikes on data line, problem traced to ic-302.
Service manual correctionService manual lists part number 1-4919-676-11 for the grill.the correct part number is x-4919-676-1. this info is from dale in thekansas city ssc. please issue correction. -hq comments: you are correct. also not that the sony logo part numbershould
Unit goes into protection modeRight channel lower in volume. unit goes into protection mode under extreme conditions or when under heavy load. also s/n 25134 and32009.
System shuts down when power locks or horn activated in vanUnits are new installs in a van. when the horn is blown orthe power locks are activated, the units shut down. have to re-power theunit. if you unplug the xk80 remote wires to the cdx-r88 unit, it willnot lock up when horn or power locks are activated.
System shuts down when power locks or horn activated in vanUnits are new installs in a van. when the horn is blown orthe power locks are activated, the units shut down. have to re-power theunit. if you unplug the xk80 remote wires to the cdx-r88 unit, it willnot lock up when horn or power locks are activated.
Distorted right channelDistortes right channel audio. it sounded hazy.
Squealing noise when tape changes directionTechnician at san jose ssc advised me of this problem. whentape direction changes, unit makes a squealing sound. he has not locatedthe problem, but has eliminated it by connecting a 10mfd electrolyticcapacitor from pin 4, cnp-909, to ground. this is t
Pgm play skips diskAfter programming, order of playback everyother disk isskipped.
Weaving picture, replaced ic-5007 (e board)Picture had a slight weave that moved from bottom to top. allinput power supplys displayed except the on screen displays.
Operation manual error/page 154/table 7-5On table 7-5, page 154 correct the columns headings to readfrom left to right: k00 (ic301 (13) ) k01 (ic301 (14) ) k02 (ic301(15). also change rew to ff and ff to rew. do not change the sw. ref.nos. - they are printed in the correct location.
No characters generated in evfFound no characters generated to evf but lcd display ok.
Will not track disc past second trackUnit would start mistracking on track no. 2 (3:00 on display).
Eats tapesUnit ejects half way then stops. sometimes will eject buteats tapes.
Table locating pin is brokenTable locating pin is broken. fix requires replacing4-924-445-01, however, time may be saved by using the following part4-912-652-01.
Power shuts downUnit dead.