Results: 87427

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Service manual errorFor proper interpretation of which switch is fast forward orrewind, the arrow drawn above s353 should be reversed on page 117. -hq comments: we will publish a service bulletin on this.
Service manual error/page 137/play switchFor proper interpretation of which switch is fast forward orrewind, the arrow above s353 (play switch) should be reversed on page 137. -hq comments: we will publish a service bulletin.
Unit would not retain memoryUnit would not maintain memory. schematic shows c503 on anodeside of d519 - not correct - c503 is on cathode of d519. found also an-other 10uf in parallel which was factory installed. both caps had de-creased in value.
Service manual correction: rmt-143 exploded viewThere is an error on page 241 of the service manual.
Service manual correction: rmt-424 exploded viewThere is an error on page 313 of the service manual.
Dark picture, open r-552 on a boardWith the brightness and picture control to max. picture wasvery dark. this makes the second unit i have found with this problem.
Unit deadUnit was completely dead, i.e., no on/off function, no displayof any kind. tests revealed all dc voltages present and clock pulses werealso ok. clue to problem was pin 17, ic-1 on (fl-11) board. it neverwent low, but always had 3.5 vdc on it. obvious
Drum motor does not start without help of batteryDrum motor does not start by itself on battery, but it workson ac. i replaced ic-509, 510 and 303 without avail. the only way tostart the drum on battery is by giving it a quick spin when it starts torock. -hq comments: one of the components on the bo
Incorrect part number in manualPart number is wrong.
Picture flickers, replace if blockWhen channel is changed, picture would flicker for 2 or 3seconds. scoping the detector output you could see the video flicker.
Audio only on stereo stations, replace lpfCustomer complained of low volume and no sound on non-stereostations. i also found that when going to (both) modes i had no audio.
Part number for rubber gasket over control buttonsThe rubber which is around the control buttons is not listedseparately. you have to order the cabinet assembly. is there a partnumber for the membrane? the units are used by different companies fora tape tour in tourist facilities. the constant use c
Direction lever sticks/inoperativeOrange wire between s401-3 and (md) board gets caught betweenwiring guide d (230) and button (9) on manual button lever (218). some-times the button pushes the wire out of the way, other times not.
Incomplete thread then ejectUnit would thread part way then unthread and eject. could notfind any problem with the switches or end of tape sensors. the symptomsindicated a problem with rotation detectors but this style chassis doesnot have detectors under the reel tables. found
Poor performance at low (105vac) line voltageLoose servo lock at low line voltages (105vac). some unitshave this problem and others do not. is there something i should bechecking in the power supply, or is this variation normal? -hq comments: the power requirements of this unit are 120vac+/-10%.
Audio output failure, see service bulletin #291rLate production of kv-1370r uses discreet audio outputs thatfail and should be included in tv service bulletin no. 291r. the samecircuit as kv-1365, 1395, 1396 and 1397. -hq comments: we will add the above models to the service bulletin no.291r.
Distortion in right channelLow level distortion in right channel in record mode. foundc-203 open.
All displays appear in black/hmh and rgb blankoutAll on screen displays ere black. hmh and rgb would blank outthe screen when they were selected. found no output from ic306 - rgboutput pins. found no h.v. blk. pulse on pins 8 and 9 going into ic306.traced this back to (bd board) output ckey+udhblk.
No reel counter operationReel counter looks like its trying to count (1st digit seemsto flicker) but stays at zero.
No ams function or audio outputNo audio, no ams. dealers complaint: no audio output. foundq405 and pm901 destroyed.