Results: 87416

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Tape transport too noisyAfter using above 3 units for 6 months, customers complainedthat the tape transport is far too noisy to enjoy their units. noiseseems to be coming from the plastic gear mechanism. applying some greaseto gears seems to help but not enough to satisfy cus
No functionsNo functions. checked and found supply reel table would notbudge. disassembled tape transport, cleaned and lubricated reel tablespindle (no part number in s/m).
Part number not in manualUnit would operate 3 seconds then stop. pl802 was found tobe open. the service manual does not list a part number for the lamp.research thru kansas city located the part number to be 1-518-343-81.
Capstan and bearing not matchedThis unit exhibited excessive wow/flutter at the beginning ofthe tape only. we found that the capstan and pinch roller were not matedcorrectly. changing flywheel and capstan bearing improved the situation.however we found it necessary to put a shim und
Defective ic101/102This unit was locked in the tape position.
Defective attenuator assemblyThis unit had intermittent noise (popping) in the left channelonly with signal applied. we found the attenuator assy (volume control)making poor connection. this was an odd problem because it did not appearto be a problem with the control assy. it onl
All lamps open if one opensAll lamps are open. apparently when one of the lamps failsthe others also go when a peak is received.
Poor groundingA lot of these units were coming in for intermittent shut-down. a very common cause was poor grounding (see diagram). the bestway of checking this was to use a digital meter on the 2v range. if thereis a problem the meter usually head 0.62v or more.
Open transistorWhen unit starts cueing works. after that, the manualcueing does not work. there was a pulse at the base of q133 andcollector of q134 after that there were no pulses.
Worn gearsWhen the drawer was opened or closed, erratic and noisyoperation was noted.
Re-alignment of capstan gearTape would jam intermittently. by moving the capstan gear,unit would work.
Substitution of power transformerThe above power transformer is now substituted by1-442-513-xx with a few extra leads and no installation instructions. -hq comments: the power transformer you have is for general export.the original transformer is 1-441-762-xx. this has been substitute
Defective relayLeft channel cuts in and out during tape.
Oversized capacitorsC607, 608, 609 are all one inch tall in original unit. partssent from kc are 1 1/2 inch tall which presents a problem in installationin pps board because of height. -hq comments: we have printed a tech. newsletter giving the part numbersfor these small
Capstan base assyThis unit ocassionally skews. we found that the left pin onthe capstan base assy was loose.
Capstan motorWe found the capstan motor siezed as a result of the rearbearing coming loose. this locked position caused the motor drives tooverheat and short which in turn burnt the board.
Error in manualThe system control schematic on page 49 shows the +5 volt lineand the -11.7 volt line connected together at the positive side of c773.the fly speck where the lines cross should not be there. -hq comments: when we need a s/b on this model for something e
Gear wearsUnit makes grinding noise when reversing. intermittently willjam at same time noise is heard. gear is made of soft plastic. inreverse mode torque is too great and teeth pre-destroyed.
Burr on camNo fast forward.
Error in manualSeveral mistakes were found in the tc-fx33 preliminary s/mduring trouble-shooting use. i did not have time to check all connectionsand components but have listed the mistakes i did find obvious.