Results: 14171

PHILIPS Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
One more tip for you guys, this TV would turn on normally, after a few minutes it would turn off and it would have a cushion effect and in AV it would turn off immediatelyThe cause was the open d6445 smd diode connected to the filament line.Replace d 6445 smd.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vertical closes at the bottom and then turns off.Check voltage on t7605, 5v collector.Replace of r 3606 56k replaced for morejoaomvjr
Turns on and has video and audio and turns offFb tweakeletronica bianca ipira-ba
No secondary power supplys - smelled burning1k c2550 with leak or toastReplace, use a 2kv onejasvan souza
Doesn't start. inoperative.Primary power supply ok. The defect was the open resistor (r3525) of 33Ω at the gate of the switching transistor.Gilcimar Rocha Pereira
Inoperative, does not turn on or display.X301Replace x301 32,768 mainboard tubularjoaomvjr
When turned on, normal image and sound comes on and then turns offAfter having done everything and not solving the problem I found the cause of the defect, an open 10k resistor in position 3204 connected to the RGB connector that comes from the main board to the tube boardReplace the 10k resistor in position 3204 and good luckPATRICK
Burned out sound outputs (an 7591)As it is missing on the market, it can be replaced by the an 17850, just one modification, connect a 2k2 resistor between pin 1 and 2 of the ci.pardalzito
Dark screen with no sound but with charactersFaulty memoryReplace a eepron 24c16wpsamuel leite
DeadResistor 1r, position on the power supply board, r-929, replace it, it's ok.Cláudio Ribeiro, TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA E INFORMÁTICA, Jataí-Go, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When turned on, it displays a reddish image and turns offWhen resoldering the kinescope board components, the TV worked for a while and then showed the same defect again.Changing the red output transistors on the kinescope board 7308 bf422, 7313 bf422 and 7314 bf423, perhaps only one of them was defective, but as I tested and they showed no difference between them and no leaks, I decided to replace them all straight away.Helio (ELETROSONIC)
Does not turn on inoperative, does not have normal power supply voltages.5bk power capacitor c933 without capacitanceReplace with a new 220μF x 16v capacitorcelinvds
No audioElectrolytic capacitor 470 / 16v position 2444 near the frey backMARCIORV
Inoperative (protection circuit acting) tick...tick...tick...When opened, the l5945 ferrite was found fallen, probably the cause of the burning of d6904 (by228) which was shorted. When it was replaced, the TV turned on but l5980 started to smoke and it was found that the reason was that q7980 (bd440) was also shorted. After being replaced, the TV showed excess width because there was no 12v in its collector. Even though the L5980 was shorted for a short time, it is damaged and is the cause of the problem. As it is an offline TV, I managed to replace the L5980 with another one taken from a Philips GL1340 (S516) just by adapting a bridge between two terminals. Note: during the tests q7981 (bc547) also shorted out. Searching the internet I found the following tip on how to recover l580... good morning friend!!! here is the solution to your problem: the width defect is caused by the burnout of the 5980 coil. Unwind and wind it with 31awg wire measuring approximately 14.30 meters. Once this is done, the voltages (12v) appear and the trimpt adjustments start working again, ok!!blittlecarlos
The a/v doesn't work.Zener diode 6.8 v, position 6116, shorted.Replace it, it will be ok!Cláudio Ribeiro, TECNOSAT ELETRÔNICA E INFORMÁTICA, Jataí-Go, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After a while on, the image disappears, it appears out of tune, it falls horizontally, the image is distorted and black and white05
There are no areas in RF and AVMemorytomico
There is no voltage in rf and avMemorytonico
Retrace lines on topNormally it is the c410 of 100mf, but in this case it was the open r410 of 680r.Check, and if you are going to replace it.jasvan souza
Turn on with time turn offDisable protection transistor 7541 remove from the circuitdavi peixe-boi -para