Results: 87413

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
No tuning memory, replaced c047Customer pulled ac plug from wall outlet during electricalstorms, had to reprogram tuner (lost its memory). c047 a 100pf capacitoron the write/erase line (pin 6 of ic034, cx761) defective allowing pinto remain high after ac disconnection.
Snow picture, replaced c038Every 2 weeks picture would go to snow and remain in onechannel position. tuning functions totally inoperative and manual channelselection would not work. volume up and down functions ok. clock osc.waveform wrong also voltage at q034 base 0v should be
Audio hiss noise, replaced ic401Left channel of matrixed side had distortion plus somebackground hiss, right side sounded good. disrotion showed up mainlyon music, and background noise only showed up when no voice or musiccame from tv.
Dead, replaced fbt and othersSet had a bad flyback causing multiple problems such asshorted horizontal output transistor and b+ regulator.
Picture noiseThis unit exhibited several faint vertical bars on the leftside and middle of raster.
Picture noiseRetrace lines in the screen. found r721 and r722 reversedin circuit.
No manual or remote functions, replaced x002No manual or remote functions. no 12 volt on pin 12, ic004.clock frequency was correct but only 0.5vpp. voltage on pins 1 and 42 ofic004 was the same on both pins, 0.6v.
Channel indicators not lit, leakage between ic032/pin 1 & 20Unit would not come on with all channel indicators lit.unable to select channels. once in a while unit would function properly.
No operation, replaced l001Although remote and manual controls did not work, unit wouldcome on with master on/off switch (intermittently).
Dim picture, replaced r555 and d513Dim picture. found no 950v on c board, r555 open and carbonpath between pins 1 and 2 in crt socket.
Shut down, replaced relay rl001Set plays several hours, then shuts off. remote control ormanual on-off buttons would not turn the set back on for several seconds.relay would click every time the set on/off button was pushed.
Picture distortionVertical flutter at top one-half inch of picture, increasingvertical size control would eliminate this and fill out picture, butretrace lines would appear. vertical output waveform at pin 3 of ic502was of sufficient amplitude, but had horizontal signal
Channels no lockNo reception for 30 minutes when set is started from a coldstart. then channel change was very slow. channel did not changeinstantly but slowly over a period of 5 to 10 seconds.
Picture distortionPiecrusting in picture.
No pictureNo picture, distorted sound. found vhf to be very snowy.
Remote only within 10 inches, replaced q2 "n" boardRemote had to be within 10 inches of tv unit to activatevarious modes. found q-2 amp on n board with base emitter leakage.
Intermittent retrace lines in picture, replaced r722After the unit was energized, fine retrace lines wouldappear after 5 seconds and there was no control of brightness. g2voltage would not go low enough and g1 voltage was 125v dc instead of 30vdc. wrong value resistor had been inserted in board (r722) i
Incorrect tuning operation, replaced r078In program mode, pressing tune-up button would cause a changein address position only and could not program any channels. also, nochannels could be put into or removed from memory.
DeadDc block assy failure (distorted waveform) dc fuses open.
Dead, replaced mica spacer under vert output transistor2.5 amp fuse on b+ line would blow every 7 to 10 days.replacement of the fuse restored operation and hours of testing providedno clue to problem causing fuse to open. by by-passing the relay witha jumper and using a variac, increasing ac input to 130v a