Results: 87413

Repair Guide: Common Issues and Fixes

Brand Model Fault Detailed Problem Solution By
Defective c409Dead. found signs of overheating around c413 and c423 asusual. also found area around r419 scorched from heat.
Poor connection at q502, d501Radio would not work on batteries. it would work if placedin case with speakers. power was taken from amplifier unit.
Magnet out of positionPlatter would not turn. magnet fell out of solenoid detectinglever.
Warped turntableRecord rubs on frame causing drag.
Open r308, motor and function switchNo power in any function. resistor 308 is open, switchfunction is shorted in tape mode and tape motor is at first shorted andthen open. -hq comments: charging current for c305 (1000uf) through the r308 burnsthe r308. we should replace it with other va
Defective q1No sound output. no sound with tracer at volume control.voltages of emitter to base of q1 were improper.
Typical wow and flutter on this modelExcess speed variations when the unit was used for jogging.units measured about 0.3% to 0.4% wow anf flutter while at rest, and wouldvary between 0.5% and 0.8% while jogging around the test equipment.
Defective motorCustomer complained that intermittently, unit would lock up,no functions would work. found that intermittently, capstan motor wouldnot start up when power was applied to the unit.
Defective q-901Fast forward and rewind are stopped after running a fewseconds.
Leads of c606 needed insulationIntermittent speaker popping on left channel. problem wouldnot arise when using headphones but only when radio installed in poweredspeaker unit.
Shorted motorVery low drive torque, q103 and q104 low outputs. no signalat emitter of q103 and q104 - measure emitter of q103 and q104 to groundreading should be 38Ω. l3 and l4 of motor measure short.
Motor hum at start-upAt start up of motor for about 1/2 revolution of platter thereis a hum, then a pause, as soon as the motor is up to speed hum stops.
Modification to increase buzzer outputCustomer is complaining the buzzer is not loud enough.buzzer becomes loud enough when the sleep switch is on. at that timeq6 collector receives 12v for a louder amplification than the 6 volts itsees when the buzzer is on by itself. what can be done to
Disconnected q9Distorted sound in audio section. used signal tracer to findbreak in landing at the collector of q9.
Loose capacitorCapacitor had pulled away on the tone control board.
Eject button out of proper locationWhen unboxed, eject button pushed inside of unit. no damageto box.
Motor fell out of proper locationCassette motor fell out of tape transport during shipment.
Stop lever not properly positionedNo audio when placed in play, but tape is erase, recordnormal.
Belt slips offIf the unit comes in with belt off my s/s advises me that oneshould change the belt along with any repair or it will come back as are-repair in a short time. -hq comments: replace the motor pulley when the capstan belt slippedoff the motor pulley in the
Pcb mounting screw breaks foil traceCircuit board mounting screw is tightened too much. cracksbreak b+ path to function switch.